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Yearly Archives: 2013

There’s so much modeling going on in So-CA! First up, on August 3 and 4, the Valley Flyers are hosting the All-Scale Fly-In at the famous Apollo Field (Sepulveda Basin!). Next is the OCMA Semper Fi Fundraiser and Fly-In for National Model Aviation Day, August 17!
Two events for August!!!
I’ve added a few photos from the 2013 Scale Fly-In to the gallery page. Check it out!
New Photos Added to the Gallery

VVRCF is hosting a Last-Chance Qualifier Scale Masters event in August (23 to 25, 2013). This is YOUR CHANCE to get out there and get qualified. And for all who have never before competed, this is the perfect qualifier to get your feet wet. Plenty of good fun and quality […]
Last Chance Scale Qualifier

Mark your calendars. Get ready to travel! The 1/8th Air Force Scale Fly-In is set and ready! The Date is Oct 19 and 20, the place is Glendale AZ at the Arizona Model Pilots Society Field off the I-17 and Loop 101 FWY. Awards, Dinner, Tons of models, great people, […]
AZ Scale Fly-In – One Eighth Air Force
July’s meeting (July 8, Monday Night, 7pm) will be a special one. Our own Anand Patel is just back from a HUGE rocket competition. We’re talking about the Big scale type that climb to 10-20 thousand feet and travel at over Mach 1!!!! He will be filling us in on […]
Special Meeting Today (Monday July 8)!
We hope to see you at the Fly-In! Spectators welcome! Free admission! It’s all happening at Prado Airpark in Chino CA! This is a joint-effort hosted by the PVMAC club and Scale Squadron! This is a link to the information flyer.
Scale Squadron Fly In is Today!
RCX at Long Beach Convention Center! Come out and vote for your favorite plane! There are tons of things to see at do at the show! Paste this link into your browser to see video!
RCX this Weekend

We’re at it again! The Squadron has partnered with the SGVRCL to host another Un-Contest! This time we’re having the event at Whittier Narrows! It will be another fun day of scale tips! From static scores to flight routines, we cover it all in a friendly and FREE environment!
Un-Contest with the SGVRCL! June 29 – Whittier Narrows
Joni and I were able to take in a couple of events this month. The first event was a fun fly posted by the Gilman Springs RC Flyers Club. This event was a charitable event to help out the American Diabetes Association. Due to my work schedule we were unable […]