We’ve finished this year’s annual Scale Squadron Fly-In! Details, pictures and more to follow! Today, we’d like to recognize the category winners! This was no easy task, picking the best of the best from over 100 beautiful aircraft entered and flown at this year’s Warbirds and Classics! Thank you to […]
Monthly Archives: June 2014

Thank you to Bob Holman Plans Service for Sponsoring and Contributing to the Scale Squadron and our Warbirds and Classics Fly In!www.bhplans.com see our Links Section for all of our Sponsors
Warbirds and Classics New Sponsor! Bob Holman Plans!
Hi All 1st, The Newsletter IS POSTED http://www.scalesquadron.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/2014/ScaleDimensionsJun2014.pdf 2nd, General Meeting is tonight. Expect updates on the Fly-In, Updates and available FF Planes for the Aug Free Flight Contest and Dinner Party, and a good Show-n-Tell. Please bring out your plane, project, tech question, etc to the meeting tonight. There […]
Newsletter Posted, Don’t Miss Tonight’s Meeting!
June Events! Club Meeting Monday Night June 9 and the Fly-In is June 20-22! Monday is the club meeting. PLEASE bring your latest project/show-n-tell item! Have you made progress on your Free Flight plane for the Aug 11 competition? Nearing completion on a plane for the Warbirds Scale Squadron Fly-In? […]