Eagles at OCMA Success!

Scale Flying Fun. EAGLES AT OCMA!

The Scale Squadron’s 1st official event at OCMA, Eagles at OCMA, found us braving the 1st rains in Southern California in months! And yet, we had a great group of people flying, spectating, and swapping!

Some Snapshots:

Pot of Gold

Pot of Gold

All the Equipment for the Day!

Loaded! All the Equipment for the Day!

Turn Here!

Turn Here!

Curtis Addressing the Crowd

Curtis Addressing the Crowd


The pits were full of BIG planes, and some little ones too.

The pits were full of BIG planes, and some little ones too.

P-47, ready for flight

P-47, ready for flight

The Crew!

The Crew!

Rainbow Connection

Rainbow Connection


We may have crowded under canopies, we may have had to dry everything out when we went home, what the Eagles event did have for certain is some spectacular flying, several clubs and scale special interest groups represented, and a WHOLE LOTTA’ FUN!

Thank you to each participant (we had 24 registered pilots, several people selling in the swap meet, and quite a few spectators!). We had a blast flying with you! Your support of scale modeling was clear!

Thank you to each Scale Squadron member who volunteered. Sam Wright, Mike Lisa and Brittany Greenshields, Larry and Cyndy Wolfe, Jerry Thompson, Tim Cardin, Scott Whyte, and Gordon Truax. Oh, and Guest Announcer Frank Migliaccio! Thanks to the OCMA guys Greg and Frank for helping out too! What a GREAT group of guys!

Thank you to Curtis Kitteringham from the Scale Masters Association for braving the long drive, and the wind and rain, to come out to our little event, host a scale workshop seminar, and then judge some flying and give tips and assistant to people interested in scale competition. We had over 15 people participate in the seminar alone!

Awards to Give Out

Best Warbird: Dave M with his very cool Ju-87 Stuka with dive siren!

Best EDF: F-86 (our judges got the airplane, but not the pilots name. If anyone know the pilots name let me know so I can update our information!) It was a great looking jet and was flown well.

Best WWI: Wayne D with his Sopwith Pup. Built from a Balsa USA kit, this was Wayne’s first kit and he built it well.

Best ARF Bash: Chris S and his very good looking P-51D Mustang

Best Civilian: Our own Tim Cardin and his Cessna T-50 Songbird!

Thank you to everyone for a great event, even with some occasional wind and rain we all had a GREAT time!




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