Hello Everyone The Scale Squadron Newsletter is ready. Members, we’ll see you Monday night

Dec Newsletter Ready

Hi Everyone Bill Hart will be out at the OCMA field this Saturday Nov 30 to lead another scale competition practice session. Hope to you see you out there Note that we had some troubles with the website calendar and will be posting a new one this weekend. Until then, […]

Flying at OCMA this Sat

Hi Everyone. Bill Hart has created a Scale Competition practice Day on Oct 20 at OCMA. I hope you’re available to participate, or at least to check it out. Whether you’re a new competitor or just need to brush up (or just want to have some fun) come on out. […]

Scale Competition Practice Day – New date – Oct 20 ...

Squadron Members. This is a party for our club members and their wives/sig-others hosted by board members Larry Wolfe and Gordon Truax.


Warbirds and Classics 2019 has come to a close. The Scale Squadron wanted to thank all of the pilots and spectators that came out this year. You brought amazing planes and flew them brilliantly. We socialized with good friends and fellow model aviation enthusiasts. It was wonderful to see the […]

2019 Warbirds and Classics Success!

See you this weekend at OCMA June 7/8/9 2019! -Scale Flying Models by Top-Pilots -Raffle -Onsite food/drink for purchase -Sat Night Banquet to Benefit Semper Fi Fund. Anyone can attend. One low price includes food and drink. Get the details at the field (Announcer’s Booth) -Saturday Night Auction – Ride […]

Warbirds and Classics – We’re READY!!

The OCMA field where we have the even is excited to announce the runway is in the installation process. We will be flying on a brand new, top of the line, asphault runway! OCMA has the installation permit and go-ahead from OC Parks to resurface the runway!!!! The beginnings of […]

Warbirds and Classics Update – Asphault Runway is a go!